
Showing posts from January, 2018


Hello Brethren in the Lord, I want you to know that there is absolutely nothing that God cannot do, He cares, He heals and provides for us. So your faith and belief is all that is required for your healing. Distance is never a barrier for your miracles. Believing that our faith would be joined together with the medium of Prophet TB Joshua morning water, you will trigger your miracle. He will also use this medium to connect our faith so he can touch you at the point of your need just like he has done for thousands of people round the world.  is the only authorized distributor of the morning water. One of the mediums God is using prophet TB Joshua is through the Morning Water. According to T.B. Joshua,  “By using the Morning Water, you are symbolically setting yourself apart for Jesus Christ’s special attention as you pray in faith. I mean, you are positioned for mercy, favour, healing, deliverance, blessing, prosperity and fruitfulness. It i


The SCOAN Sunday service of January 8, 2017 provided an opportunity for congregants and Christians all over the world to build their faith and connect to the Spirit of God. The atmosphere was filled with the presence of God as the choir drew the attention of God’s children to the need to always praise and worship their Father in Spirit and in truth. The testimonies, prayers and prophetic declarations made every moment a remarkable encounter in the House of the Lord. Admonishing Christians on the importance of prayer and the pertinent need to build and sustain their faith, Prophet T.B. Joshua also reminded them of the urgency of praying with devotion. According to him, it is the connection point between them and God: “Time like this is time to pay attention, not this kind of attention we pay out there – attention with devotion. How do we pay attention? We have to be in an attitude of prayer. As I’m talking to you now, you are supposed to be praying. Viewers at home, w


The SCOAN Live Sunday Service of December 18, 2016 witnessed the demonstration of God’s everlasting glory. The glorious as well as victorious power of Christ was displayed with the testimonies that greeted the Spirit-filled occasion. The prayer led by Prophet T.B. Joshua further proved that, we as Christians, are drawn in an everlasting battle of supremacy with the kingdom of darkness. The prophecies also revealed the hidden antics of the devil while illuminating the lives of congregants with the resplendent fire of the Holy Spirit. Speaking about the concept of faith, Prophet T.B. Joshua took Christians on an excursion into the nature and power of faith in their daily living as children of God. He urged them to cultivate Biblical faith which does not deny the existence of a problem and which “…must arise in each person’s heart based on the Word of God”. According to him, “Faith is not an issue of ordering God around” . He lamented the attitudes of some Christians wh


The SCOAN Revival Service witnessed a massive turnout of people from different parts of the world. Arriving in their thousands, the sick and all others who had one issue or the other believed that Jesus Christ would turn their situations around. The first day of the revival was power-packed. The man of God ministered healing to a multitude of people, including those who had been confined to wheelchairs for years, HIV/AIDS patients, people with mental challenges and those with various spiritual problems. The power of God was at its zenith on that day, being Friday, December 9, 2016. Many people who had received their healing in the past also turned out to share their testimonies as a boost of faith for those believing God for theirs. On Saturday, December 10, 2016, Prophet T.B. Joshua led the Prophetic Service that saw a lot of hidden problems unfolded concerning many congregants. The man of God also gave insights into what the future holds for some. Many also receiv


The faith of the congregants was lifted up as they listened to the divine teachings from Prophet T.B. Joshua in a message titled, ‘Pay Attention To God.’ Aside from the awe-inspiring testimonies and beautiful renditions from the choir, Prophet T.B. Joshua spoke extensively on the concept of faith and how Christians are expected to apply it to their lives. According to the man of God, “If you pay attention to God’s Word, you will find that faith comes spontaneously, that is naturally.” He further observed that one cannot have faith by just memorising the Word of God. “It is good to memorize; it is valuable but it must become an integral part of you.” He likened memorising the Bible without it being a part of you to storing water in the mouth without swallowing it: it is a waste. “To live the Bible is to allow it to become an integral part of us.” The man of God also reminded Christians that being in possession of the Bible or bearing the name “Christian” does not conf


It was an atmosphere filled with the power of God. From the ministration of the choir to the ministration of the Morning Water, the kingdom of darkness was thrown into confusion. Evangelists led the initial onslaught against satan and his evil works as they ministered the Morning Water to the congregation. As the anointing in the Morning Water hit the target, many who were possessed and oppressed by evil spirits manifested and fell under the influence of the Holy Spirit. As the battle raged on, the host of Heaven inflicted heavy casualties on the kingdom of darkness as the afflicted and oppressed were delivered and set free from the grip of the devil. Ministering prophecy, Prophet T.B. Joshua laid hands on many congregants who came with different challenges. As obstinate as the challenges were, the power of prophecy laid them bare and offered spiritual insight on how they can be solved. In addition, the man of God also ministered deliverance to congregants even as th


The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua delivered a message – LET GOD RELEASE YOU – to viewers all over the world. It centred on relationships and the need to allow God to direct our actions. He urged viewers not to end relationships because of disagreements or fights, adding that such scenarios create tension and stifle the spirit of forgiveness: “We don’t leave relationships as a Christian because of fights or disagreements. The origin of relationships is God. The man who is your enemy today can be your saviour tomorrow.” According to the man of God, it is wrong for Christians to carry their offences into new relationships after they have ended previous ones. He reckoned that the same way we quit our previous relationships is the same way we will quit the new ones if we hold onto offences: “Whether you are wrong or right, you have no right to go with that conflict and establish another relationship.”  Prophet T.B. Joshua reminded the congregation and viewers all over th


Aside from the Mass Prayer which witnessed a fervent appeal to Heaven to destroy all the foundations of the works of the kingdom of darkness in the lives of the children of God, the man of God used the Sunday service of November 13, 2016 to pass across certain salient messages to congregants and Christians all over the world. He informed them of a coming revival that will take place in November and December aimed at preparing them to witness a Spirit-filled New Year. Concerning his prophecy about the US elections, the man of God reminded naysayers that understanding the words of a Prophet requires spiritual maturity while calling for prayers for America. “We have seen the outcome of the election in the United States. Having seen and heard, you would notice that the prophecy was all about the popular vote, the vote of the majority of Americans. In this case, we need the Spirit of a prophet to understand, to know and to recognize what the prophet was talking about. Our


After several weeks of dutiful absence, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, made a much-expected appearance at the altar during the Sunday service of November 6, 2016. The man of God brought forth a message titled KNOWLEDGE IS NOT THE KEY; OBEDIENCE IS. The message centred on the need for Christians to cultivate spiritual maturity in the face of the unpleasant challenges of life. According to Prophet T.B. Joshua, Christians must not allow themselves to be controlled by their situations lest they lose their sense of reasoning – “When your situation controls you, you lose all sense of reasoning.” The man of God also explained that challenges, trials and temptations are tests that show the true character of a person. He revealed that without trials and temptation, sin is given a very good opportunity to hide its ugly head: “Sin hides where there is no heat of trials and temptations and challenges. In times of merriment, prosperity and success, you see the evil ones rej


The glory from above radiated unhindered in the auditorium as the choir did what they know how to do best – keeping the congregation on their feet as they doled out tunes of praise and worship. The message in their songs prepared the ground for sober reflection, repentance and forgiveness. It created the platform for Evangelist Daniel’s message to sink deep into the hearts of the children of God. Titled, A FORGIVING HEART IS A BLESSED HEART, Evangelist Daniel’s message focused on the need for Christians to forgive those who offend them in order to free themselves from the obstacles that stand in between them and the blessings of God. According to him, “Forgiveness is so important because a relationship does not involve two perfect people. Perfect people do not exist on earth.” He reckoned that no one is above mistake and therefore no man should despise another because of his mistakes. He warned Christians to be cautious about the way they respond to people who make m


Musical exclamations from the choir echoed all around the auditorium. Congregants from different nations of the world expressed their joy in ways beyond description. They exuded divine confidence as Evangelist Racine stepped in to nourish their minds with the Word of God in a message titled GOD’S AGENDA. According to him, “We have no control over what becomes of us the next day.” He contended that anyone can be a leader but only God chooses a leader with a difference. He also submitted that God’s agenda supersedes all others and is not defined by man’s level of skill or wisdom. It is only God’s will that guarantees success in life. “Wisdom in the practical sense of ability and skill cannot guarantee success in life.  Many would think that men of great understanding who are masters in the field of management would certainly become people of substance,” he added, reminding congregants that no one can succeed without God. Continuing, Evangelist Racine observed that, “To


The SCOAN Live Sunday Service of October 9, 2016 had all the aspects of a Spirit-filled event. The calmness and confidence exhibited by worshippers signified the intensity of their faith in God and His ability to tackle whatever cares they brought before His mighty presence. The musical interludes from the choir added flavour to the occasion and the words of exhortation in Evangelist Bolaji’s message provoked visible introspection amongst congregants. Titled DIVINE APPOINTMENT. the message centred on the vicissitudes of Christian life which in itself has never been a bed of roses right from the days of Abraham. According to Evangelist Bolaji, though we have perfect expectations as Christians, we must not lose faith and courage when such expectations hit the rocks of uncertainty, trials and temptations. “Even the seeming perfect plan we make for the future usually encounters some accident that makes it seem as if we never made any plans at all,” she said. She admon


On Sunday, October 2, 2016, there was a splendid display of God’s power during The SCOAN Live Service. Aside from the inspiring testimonies, the choir was in its usual elements – providing the musical impetus for the Spirit-filled moments of praise and worship. The Mass Prayer session brought the kingdom of darkness to its knees as the fire of God was released at every demonic affliction, yoke and manipulation that had held the children of God hostage. In the end of the spiritual face-off, chains were loosed while age-long afflictions were brought to an end courtesy of the Holy Spirit, which worked in tandem with the Father and the Son to restore glory to God’s children. In her message titled TRUSTING IN GOD , Evangelist Bose urged Christians to repose their total belief in God, even in the face of the worst of situations. According to her, in spite of the reality of the lion’s den, Daniel refused to give up his trust in the Most High God. He was not only saved from t


The mood was gloriously ecstatic as the Word of God blended excellently with songs of praise and worship. The Evangelists demonstrated the power of God in the Morning Water medium as they ministered it to congregants, loosing chains of affliction and demonic manipulation. The outpouring of testimonies signalled the triumph of the children of God over the kingdom of darkness. The rebroadcast of the Peru Crusade with Prophet T.B. Joshua further proved that God is with the ministry. The mammoth crowd at the Monumental Stadium in Peru as well as the awe-inspiring miracles that took place, rekindled hope in the hopeless and brought salvation to those hungry and thirsty for righteousness through the great works of God. One of the high points of The SCOAN Sunday service of September 25, 2016 was the delivery of the message by Evangelist Christopher, titled THE OBJECT OF MERCY . The message bordered on the inevitability of sin among men and the illimitable power of God to f