The SCOAN Sunday service of January 8, 2017 provided an opportunity for congregants and Christians all over the world to build their faith and connect to the Spirit of God. The atmosphere was filled with the presence of God as the choir drew the attention of God’s children to the need to always praise and worship their Father in Spirit and in truth. The testimonies, prayers and prophetic declarations made every moment a remarkable encounter in the House of the Lord.

Admonishing Christians on the importance of prayer and the pertinent need to build and sustain their faith, Prophet T.B. Joshua also reminded them of the urgency of praying with devotion. According to him, it is the connection point between them and God: “Time like this is time to pay attention, not this kind of attention we pay out there – attention with devotion. How do we pay attention? We have to be in an attitude of prayer. As I’m talking to you now, you are supposed to be praying. Viewers at home, wherever you are, as you are looking, paying attention to what I am saying, be in an attitude of prayer. Continue to pray. Simple language. “Oh Holy Spirit, take more of me and give me more of You, more of Your faithfulness, goodness, kindness, purity, holiness.” Continuing, the man of God emphasized the fact that devotional prayer avails much to the Christian, including the ability to see visions. He also added that Christians should imbibe the idea of praying all the time and everywhere: “Prayer must be an integral part of you. You must be in an attitude of prayer. ‘Take more of me and give me more of You’. Your heart is the prayer room. Your heart is the temple of God. You want to see visions? You must see them with your heart. You must learn to pray in the Spirit. Everywhere can be an altar. Satan keeps catching people unprepared.”

Concluding, Prophet T.B. Joshua urged Christians to exercise their faith by using it to put a demand on the anointing. According to him, “Faith is a vacuum that draws the anointing from Jesus. Self-healing will happen. You will be very surprised that the sickness you have been talking about, when you wake up, it will be gone”.

Earlier, in her message titled THE END OF OURSELVES, Evangelist Anne lamented the intellectual disposition of modern day Christians who seem to position themselves as God’s enemies rather than obey His unquestionable commands. She made reference to Abraham who, in spite of the many years he waited before having a son, never hesitated to offer him to God who commanded him to do so in a rare test of faith. According to her, Abraham trusted and obeyed God because he knew that His command was final: “It was at the point of total obedience that God brought the substitute. God will wait for you at the point of your obedience. It was at that point when he was about to complete the assignment that God brought solution”.

She concluded by urging Christians to uphold the will of God, irrespective of the opposition they encounter in the world so that their God-given vision would stand the test of time as it did in the days of Master Jesus, Abraham and Job: “If God gives you a vison and it is opposed by men, don’t reduce your vision – stay in the will of God”.

Brothers and Sister in the Lord. The God of prophet TB Joshua is a wonder working God. If you are outside Nigeria, and you do not have the time or money to Come to Nigeria yourself, Look for some one you trust who can get the morning water or anointed stickers from the church. But if you do not have anyone to send, or the time to come to the church and get it, send an E-mail directly to SCOAN ADMIN specifying what you need. We will send the morning water to you and others needed spiritual items.

So get yours by making online registration and purchase by contacting our email.

To order prophet TB Joshua Morning Water. E-mail:

Remain blessed. EMMANUEL!!!


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